Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital Melalui Akun Instagram UMKM Coffee Shop


  • Nurlaily Azhara Putri Universitas Pancasila Author
  • Aprilianti Pratiwi Universitas Pancasila Author


Digital Marketing Communication, Instagram, MSMEs, @Roeta.Coffee


Social media is an important pillar in digital marketing communication adopted by various industrial scales, including MSMEs such as Roeta Coffee. These MSMEs use the @roeta.coffee Instagram accounts as the main means of digital marketing communication to increase customer interest in their products. However, the disparity between the number of followers and customers raises questions regarding their digital marketing communications. So, this study aims to analyze digital marketing communication through Instagram MSMEs Roeta Coffee. By using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection method used involved non-participant interviews and observation techniques to observe the online activities of managing the @roeta.coffee Instagram account. The research found that there is potential for improvement in creativity and content variety to avoid monotony and opportunities to optimize their presence on platforms other than Instagram. The importance of establishing closeness with consumers, understanding the market context, and building communication through the four dimensions of 4C (context, communication, collaboration, and connection) is a crucial point in the success of digital marketing through Instagram social media. Although collaboration with events and communities has been their strength, Obstacles in the form of a lack of ideas and existing talent can be an obstacle to achieving wider engagement. Therefore, Roeta Coffee needs to overcome this obstacle by developing creative initiatives and optimizing existing human resources.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital Melalui Akun Instagram UMKM Coffee Shop. (2024). Journal of Communication Principles and Applications, 1(1), 46-59. https://journalsem.com/index.php/JOCPA/article/view/22