Influence of Brand Ambassador Song Joong Ki on Consumer Purchase of Scarlett Whitening Product
Brand ambassador , consumer purchase , scarlett whiteningAbstract
The spread of Korean artists as brand ambassadors for various products triggers the researchers' interest. One of the product types, namely fashion, has also been spared by the producer’s efforts to involve Korean artists in marketing their products. This research discusses the influence of brand ambassador Song Joong Ki on consumer buying interest. The theory used in this research is the Source Credibility Theory proposed by Hovland, Janis, and Kelley. In this theory, there are two elements, namely, trust and expertise possessed by the communicator, that strongly influence the consumer. Meanwhile, the concepts used are brand ambassadors and purchase interest. Using a quantitative approach, survey questionnaires were distributed to 74 respondents selected using stratified random sampling. The research results showed a normality test result of 0.099, a correlation of 0.793, a regression result of 0.648, and a coefficient of determination result of 62.9%. Thus, the conclusion obtained is that the influence of the Song Joong Ki brand ambassador on Scarlett Whitening consumers' buying interest has a strong level of relationship. Based on the hypothesis results, the t-count value is greater than the t-table, which means that the influence of brand ambassadors has an influence on consumer buying interest. Lastly, this article confirmed the previous research, which stressed the power of brand ambassadors in influencing consumer behavior, despite the limitations of this research, which only raised two variables. Hopefully, future research will develop other variables.
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