Peran Pertamina Patra Niaga dalam Mengimplementasikan Tahapan Program Pengembangan Masyarakat di Tambakharjo
Ideally, a company's CSR activities always bring positive changes to the beneficiaries. This has also been implemented by one of the large state-owned companies in Indonesia, namely Pertamina. Through community development activities implemented in Tambakharjo Village (Semarang), the community can experience improvements in the level of economic welfare through MSMEs in the culinary sector, namely "Kampung Kuliner Pujasera Energi". This culinary district was built in 2019 at residential areas in which the public buy various culinary delights. Run daily by housewives working in this informal business instead of working as pond farmers previously, these culinary units bring economic progress to families and surrounding communities. Based on qualitative research, the authors met several informants living around Tambakharjo who shared their thoughts while involved as partners at a CSR program. Then, this article will discuss the role of Pertamina in implementing various steps in fostering community development in the Tambakharjo area. By observing and describing the results of interviews from various sources from various stakeholders, as the result, Pertamina Patra Niaga has succeeded in carrying out the stages of the community relations process through: engagement, assessment, planning, formulating action plans, implementation, evaluation and results of changes and termination. Lastly, this research may give theoretical implications related to CSR studies in the future
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