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Focus and Scope
Journal of Perspectives on Hospital Management is an international, open access, peer-reviewed online journal for dissemination of hospital management and health policy research, including but not limited to hospital leadership and management, health organization and organizational behaviour in hospital, healthcare services, healthcare quality and patient safety, health facilities management, hospital accreditation, patient and employee satisfaction, pain management, inpatient and out-patient management, health insurance, health policy and healthcare informatics etc.
The Journal of Perspectives on Hospital Management is an international, open access, peer-reviewed online publication that aims to distribute research on hospital management perspectives. This includes topics such as hospital planning system, health facility project feasibility study, hospital leadership and management, management of hospital business, management of human resources in a hospital, management of health and hospital service, strategic management in the context of hospitals, financial management and hospital cost accounting, medical facility promotion, management of hospital facilities and safety, hospital spatial and asset management, management of clinical risks and ensuring patient safety, healthcare quality, management of hospital quality, patient and employee satisfaction, complaint management and customer service, health insurance, health regulation and policies, health care informatics and medical records management, health insurance, hospital occupational health and safety management, hospital environmental health management, hospital health counselling or health promotion, hospital public relation, and hospital performance evaluation.
Journal of Perspectives on Hospital Management is a publicly available publication that is published globally and undergoes evaluation by field specialists. Its objective is to exhibit novel and cutting-edge scientific and technology progress in the hospital management. The journal disseminates contemporary research in the domains of hospital management.
The journal invites the publication of original research articles, review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, and book reviews.