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Focus and Scope
The Journal of Occupational Psychosocial Issue’s major goal is to become an important and respected publication in the field of occupational and psychosocial issues on a national and global scale.
The Journal of Occupational Psychosocial Issues (JOOPI) will publish original research articles, case reports, review articles, methodology, and other scientific articles. This journal concerns work in the broad transdisciplinary domain of occupational and psychosocial concerns, which is defined by a commitment to understanding the relevance of the links between the internal and external worlds.
This journal investigates the links between personal, occupational, psychological, cultural, and societal environments. They investigate the complexity of subjectivity and experience as they are lived and shaped in many contexts and places, often focusing on affect and emotion. The investigation of the connections between the internal and external worlds—both intensely personal and profoundly social—distinguishes this method.
This journal is looking for papers with a psychosocial perspective that might help us comprehend a variety of modern social problems, particularly in occupational settings. This could be work-life balance and organizational welfare.
The publication specifically tries to promote multidisciplinary work that addresses practical challenges. The Journal of Occupational Psychosocial Issues fosters research and writing that bridges established fields in the social sciences, psychology, and related medicine. Additionally, we publish content that results from and offers commentary on practice that uses these theoretical frameworks. The journal provides a friendly and academically rigorous environment in which new and established academics can communicate ideas and promote debate in the occupational and psychological domains. We welcome submissions from across the world.