Focus and Scope

The Journal of Entrepreneurship Perspectives’ major goal is to become an important and respected publication in the field of entrepreneurship perspectives on a national and global scale. The  Journal of Entrepreneurship Perspectives will publish original research articles, case reports, review articles, methodology, and other scientific articles. This journal covers entrepreneurial perspective, business performance in MSME’s, entrepreneurship development, entrepreneurial management, creative-preneurship, family business, entrepreneurship education socio-preneurship, digital-preneurship, techno-preneurship, creative business or economy, and other related fields.

The publication specifically tries to promote multidisciplinary work that addresses practical challenges. The Journal of Entrepreneurship Perspectives fosters research and writing that bridges established fields in the entrepreneurship perspectives. We also publish material that arises from and comments on practice that is informed by these theoretical frameworks. This journal provides a friendly and academically rigorous environment in which new and established academics can communicate ideas and promote debate in the entrepreneurship domain. We welcome submissions from across the world.