The Chinese Society's Views on the Importance of Higher Education as an Identity


  • Aldrin Samuel Novelianto Universitas Bunda Mulia Author


Higher Education, Cultural Identity, Chinesee


In Indonesia, Chinese descendants are perceived as facing less academic pressure in pursuing higher education. Historically, family enterprises have been given higher priority than formal schooling due to their ability to develop wealth at a faster pace. Gradually, social and cultural changes have caused Chinese households to divert their attention away from education. This phenomenon is seen in the growing number of intellectuals and professionals of Chinese origin in diverse domains. Higher education has emerged as a crucial element in Chinese family culture, with parents attaching great significance to education for the future possibilities of their children. This inclination leads to the establishment of a favorable identity and reputation for families of Chinese ancestry, who regard education as a crucial element in attaining success. This article seeks to evaluate the Chinese family culture surrounding higher education and explore the relationship between identity and culture, specifically among the significant population of Chinese origin students studying at universities in Jakarta. Examination through the lens of either group identification theory or cultural identity theory, using snowball sampling methodologies. This study demonstrates that Chinese descendants in Jakarta prioritize higher education as a crucial factor in directing their children towards achieving success. This is seen in the ingrained tendency to prioritize education and exert utmost effort, particularly in assuring children's success in the fiercely competitive realm of employment. This research aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the significance of education in shaping the cultural identity and heritage of Chinese people in Jakarta.


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Original Research

How to Cite

The Chinese Society’s Views on the Importance of Higher Education as an Identity. (2024). Journal of Communication Principles and Applications, 1(1), 21-28.